You are requested to prepare and upload a video of your presentation by recording voice-over slides. You can also turn on your webcam, if desired. Please note that the file must be a video file in MP4 or AVI format (more details below). Please ensure that the video has good quality, and the sound level is high enough.
Please prepare and upload your video until June 22nd.
There are several tools available to record a presentation. We recommend recording your presentation using Zoom (
The requirements of the video are as follows:
- Duration: 12-15 minutes
- File size: 300 MB max
- Video file format: mp4 or avi
- Resolution = maximum 720p HD
- Please use the following naming convention: xxxxx.mp4, where xxxx is your PAPER ID.
To upload your video, please visit ( (DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd)
If you have any issues with uploading your presentation, please contact us
1. Keep your words large enough—at least size 24.
2. Limit the number of words you put on a page
- Avoid paragraphs
- Use bullet points
- Use succinct phrases instead of sentences
- Limit each slide to 6 bullet points
3. Fancy is not always better! Stick with simple fonts!
4. Choose color combinations that make your text easy to read.
5. Limit your graphics to 1-3 per page. Too many graphics can be distracting.
6. Slides are designed to supplement your presentation—not to be your presentation. Keep it simple, and don’t read your presentation word for word from your slides.
7. Basic rule of presentations—-Bells and whistles are fun to put in, but they tend to be distracting for the viewer. Make sure that special effects have a purpose.
8. Proofread and spell check! Proofread and spell check! Proofread and spell check!
- Login information (including a link to connect and username/password) will be sent to each registered author before the conference day.
- Test your microphone and webcam before connecting. You will also be able to make a test during the break just before the session starts. You should be ready and connect 10-15 minutes before the session starts. In case one of the speakers will not show up in your session, the session chair will continue with the next speaker. Hence, it is important that all the speakers be present before the session starts.
- Make sure that your name appears correctly so that we can assign you as a presenter.
- There will be a technical assistant in each room in case you have technical issues. Please use your microphone or chat screen in case you have any help.
- You will have 15 minutes including Q&A.
You will share your own screen in order to have control over the presentation. However, in case there could be technical issues, we suggest you to upload your presentation in ppt or pptx or pdf format through the following link: (DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd)
Please use the following naming convention: xxxxx.pptx, where xxxx is your PAPER ID.
If you have any issues with uploading your presentation, please contact us at .
1. Keep your words large enough — at least size 24.
2. Limit the number of words you put on a page
- Avoid paragraphs
- Use bullet points
- Use succinct phrases instead of sentences
- Limit each slide to 6 bullet points
3. Fancy is not always better! Stick with simple fonts!
4. Choose color combinations that make your text easy to read.
5. Limit your graphics to 1-3 per page. Too many graphics can be distracting.
6. Slides are designed to supplement your presentation—not to be your presentation. Keep it simple, and don’t read your presentation word for word from your slides.
7. Basic rule of presentations—-Bells and whistles are fun to put in, but they tend to be distracting for the viewer. Make sure that special effects have a purpose.
8. Proofread and spell check! Proofread and spell check! Proofread and spell check!
- Upload your presentation through the link given below before the conference starts.
- Bring a backup copy in a USB stick. We also recommend that you keep a copy in your email.
- Be in the room that your presentation is scheduled for 10-15 minutes before the beginning of the session. Inform the session chair that you are present. In case one of the speakers will not show up in your session, the session chair will continue with the next speaker. Hence, it is important that all the speakers be present before the session starts.
- Check that your presentation file works just before the session starts.
- There will be technical assistant in each room in case you have technical issues.
- You will have 15 minutes including Q&A.
You must upload your presentation in ppt or pptx or pdf format through the following link: (DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd)
Please use the following naming convention: xxxxx.pptx, where xxxx is your PAPER ID.
If you have any issues with uploading your presentation, please contact us at .
1. Keep your words large enough — at least size 24.
2. Limit the number of words you put on a page
- Avoid paragraphs
- Use bullet points
- Use succinct phrases instead of sentences
- Limit each slide to 6 bullet points
3. Fancy is not always better! Stick with simple fonts!
4. Choose color combinations that make your text easy to read.
5. Limit your graphics to 1-3 per page. Too many graphics can be distracting.
6. Slides are designed to supplement your presentation—not to be your presentation. Keep it simple, and don’t read your presentation word for word from your slides.
7. Basic rule of presentations—-Bells and whistles are fun to put in, but they tend to be distracting for the viewer. Make sure that special effects have a purpose.
8. Proofread and spell check! Proofread and spell check! Proofread and spell check!
We request you to prepare and upload your poster presentation before the conference starts. The guidelines are shown below. All posters will be shown on digital boards (onsite) and the conference website (after loging in). Please do not bring any physical posters with you as there will be no boards to hang them.
Onsite presenters should be near the digital boards for taking any comments or questions at the break following the session scheduled in the conference program. Both online and onsite presenters should include an e-mail address on the poster. We will ask the participants to ask the questions by e-mail or via the conference website to the online presenters. Online participants may post questions to onsite participants via the conference website. So we kindly encourage onsite/online poster presenters to visit the conference website regularly to follow up on the possible questions.
The requirements of the poster file are as follows:
- Poster format: Landscape format. Ratio of 16/9 is ideal.
- File size: 300 MB max
- File format: pdf or ppt or pptx
- Please use the following naming convention: xxxxx.pdf, where xxxx is your PAPER ID.
To upload your video, please visit (
If you have any issues with uploading your presentation, please contact us at .
- Place the title of your paper prominently at the top of the poster board to allow viewers to identify your paper easily. Indicate
- The presentation number of your paper,
- Title, and
- Author names.
- E-mail address of the corresponding author
- Highlight the authors’ names, e-mail, and address information in case the viewer is interested in contacting them for more information.
- Prepare all diagrams or charts neatly and legibly beforehand in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of 2 meters.
- Paragraph and figure caption text should be AT LEAST 24-point font (0.9 cm height) and headers AT LEAST 36 point font (1.2 cm height).
- Use creativity by using different font sizes and styles, perhaps even color. Use different colors AND textures/symbols (some people are color-blind) for each line or bar contained in your graph or chart.
- A serif font (e.g. Times) is often easier for reading main text, and a non-serif font (e.g., Arial or Helvetica) for headers and figure labels.
- You have complete freedom in displaying your information in figures, tables, text, photographs, etc.
- The presentation must cover the same material as the abstract. Use squares, rectangles, circles, etc. to group like ideas.
- Don’t clutter your poster with too much text! Label different elements as I, II, III; or 1, 2, 3; or A, B, C. This will make it easier for a viewer to easily follow your display.
- Include the background of your research followed by results and conclusions. A successful poster presentation depends on how well you convey information to an interested audience.